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Today everybody is talking about user experience and user-friendly apps. I was too muddled about the purpose and the exact meaning of UX.

I tax my brains and sit down with my wife asking the most desirable thing she wants when she is up to buy a lip shade. She is excited, to ‘I want it to be useful, usable and delightful.’

WOW! It’s very simple.

There are two main factors which produce perfect user experience.

User Goals meet Business Goals

Here user goals are met…

Useful: Need to solve some problem

Usable: Usability needs to be clear so that user can understand the product easily

Delightful: Enjoying the product

But what about business goals…

As a UX designer I think how user goals meet business goals. No prize for guessing it, I take my wife for shopping and ask her to buy one lip-shade.

After two weeks I get the answer very clear. She uses the shade every evening and also she recommends it to some of her friends.

Now here are the business goals…

When a user gets a good experience, they are likely to use the product again. If user recommends the product to someone else, it increases the value and conversion rate of the product.

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