It has been great years I am working with great UX designers and Interaction designers. I learned a lot being in a very cohesive collaboration where innovators hit the surface with ideas to help people well.
There are multiple principles and rules to work with but no one knows the bigger picture where everything condenses into ONE.
That bigger picture which I always missed these years:
Logical or scienctific phenomena for design interfaces
Common design language which holds all usability values
Empathetical approach to build designs
Interactive design system which helps build good connection between human and machine
Let me talk through now in a simpler language:
What do you feel when you observe a design structure?
How do you judge if a design is good or bad? Or how can you say it is good or bad?
If someone asks you to improve the experience of an application; how are you going to do that?
How do you know your application is easy to understand for the user?
On what basis do you judge your design success?
Answer lies here…
To use COGNITION better for design success you should concentrate on USER EMOTIONS. It is a key to great user experience.
But how…?
Will explain in coming version. Stay tunned.